
Terms and Conditions

Pearl Custom Boxes has mentioned the terms and conditions of the services it offers in detail on the website. However, we have the right to change, amend, terminate, or add any new rules and regulations whenever we seem necessary. We recommend you to stay updated on the rules and terms when doing business with us. Make sure that you read and completely understand all the aspects and factors that are mentioned below in the policy. In case of any misunderstanding from your side, Pearl Custom Boxes shall not be held responsible. Only confirm your order if you agree with our policies.

Copyrights Infringement

It is to mention that all the content available on the Pearl Custom Boxes website is solely the owner of the website. This includes everything that is displayed on the website like information, pictures, maps, software, graphics, descriptions, labels etc. It is assumed that the user is well informed regarding this data and content ownership when he or she visits the website. Any kind of material copying, storing, publishing, modification, amendments, or distribution cannot be done without the legal and official permission of Pearl Custom Boxes. In case of misuse of the website content illegally, the company has the right to take legal action against the user for a copyright infringement claim.

User Misconduct and Behaviour

It is to be mentioned that the user is well aware and informed regarding our policy of data sharing. The user is responsible for any kind of material that they share on our website. This includes all kinds of pictures, music, or writing that you upload on our website and disperse through the internet. You accept that all the data shared with us by you is 100% without any copyright infringement. The text, pictures, music or any other sort of information is not a trademark, service mark, or copyright of any third party. If so, it is being used after consent and permission from the third party. If found otherwise, the user shall solely be responsible and held liable. It is to be noted that copying and using any copyright data without authorization is against the law and a punishable offence.

User accepts and understands that no obscene or vulgar content shall be used or shared by them on the website. We do not tolerate any misconduct from any user. It is also to be notified that the user is not at liberty to share any website data and information with any third party without consent. We do not take responsibility for any unlawful or indecent content that is shared by the users. In the case of abusive content from the user, Pearl Custom Boxes has the right to terminate their order without any prior notice or warning. We assume that the user has read the terms of our policy and hence we are not responsible to intimate anyone especially.

We have the right to remove any content and user that may seem indecent or inappropriate to us for other users of the website. It is the right and duty of Pearl Custom Boxes to remove any objectionable content that violates the terms of the services offered by our company.

User Information Confidentiality

The information that the user provides to us, either personal or general is confidential and we do not share it with anyone else. However, it is the duty of the user to keep the information secret. If they fail to keep it that way from their side, the Pearl Custom Boxes website shall not be held responsible. Furthermore, it is the duty of the user to provide the correct information when making an order. The user shall be liable for any mistake in the personal information that they provide to our company website such as address, name, and credit card information. If the information found is wrong, the order shall be cancelled without prior notification.

It is the duty of the user to keep their account password confidential and secret. Our website does not reveal user account information and passwords to any third party. If someone is accessing your account and making an order on your behalf, it is solely your area of worry. Pearl Custom Boxes website shall not be liable for any such issue. Make sure that you do not let your personal information be leaked at any point of order or website usage.

In order to use our website, you need to share your email account information with us. This helps us verify your identity and order. The website can ask for any information it seems is necessary. However, we assure you that we do not ask for email passwords and authorizations. Any personal information shared with us is for the purpose of identity verification and we do not share these details with any third party.

By using our website, you agree to our terms and conditions. It is acknowledged that you submit to our policies when you use our website and make an order from us. We have a clear policy and terms and by visiting our website, you certify that you have read all the points of the rules and regulations and submit to it.

Protection of Company from Claim and Liability

By agreeing to the website terms and policy, you agree to defend the company and its employees from any indemnity or false claim that is made against the company. This means that if a customer is at fault and tries to put the blame on the company and its representative, you shall provide support and defence for the company if asked to. This includes any kind of case that is made against the company officials, employees, workers, vendors, and distributors. In case of a lawsuit against the company, you can be asked to testify in favour of Pearl Custom Boxes and you shall be legally obligated to do so.

In case the user violates any legal formalities and responsibilities regarding the company and website or found a part of any malicious or foul activity, the user shall be found guilty and the company can take any necessary legal action against them. This includes the situation where someone misuses the user password and account due to his or her inability to safeguard it from others. If found guilty, the user shall be obligated to compensate for any loss or damage caused by them to the website or the company. In addition, the user shall pay for any judicial fees involved in the case of wrongful lawsuit and claim.

The company cannot be held responsible for any accident or death that is caused while using the company product. Furthermore, the information on the website cannot be used to claim any company responsibility or involvement in any sort of hazardous act or damage that the user experiences. The company is not liable to pay for any damages or loss that the company is not proven to be responsible for. However, if the mistake is found at the company’s end, the user shall be compensated for the amount of the order that they requested for.

Currency for Transaction

All the transactions will be done in the currency mentioned on the website. The price of each and every product will be paid in the currency mentioned in the product price description. Currency conversion is not facilitated by the website.

Order Placement and Cancellation

The company starts to work on your order after the payment is successfully conducted. It is to be clear that no order shall be confirmed without complete payment of the product. The user is supposed to pay the full price in advance.

The order can be cancelled within 4 hours of final approval from the user. After this time, the user has 24 hours to cancel the order. However, cancelling in this duration shall cost you 50% of the total payment for the resource loss that the company experiences due to your order. Once you give the design and printing instructions, changes in them cannot be made. To halt the manufacturing. You need to cancel the previous order within 24 hours and make a new one with amended specifications. If the order is cancelled after 24 hours, the company shall cost you for the whole order and no refund shall be provided.

Custom Design Orders

It is to be made clear that Pearl Custom Boxes does not do a refund for any customized design and size products. Once you make an order for custom designing, you cannot demand a refund for cancelling it. However, cancellation and refunds can be claimed for non-custom orders if made within the 24 hour time window. The customers need to submit their design artwork file in the format mentioned on the website. If they fail to do so and submit the design file they want to be printed in any other format, the company shall not be held responsible for any printing mistakes. Keep in mind that changing the file format may cause the printing of the product to get blurred or misprinted. That is why you need to make sure that the artwork file format is compatible with website design support.

The colour and orientation of the design may also vary if the file format is different from the one mentioned on the website. In such cases, the final product design may not be the same as you wanted. The company does not take responsibility for such mistakes. Before finalizing the order, always make sure that the information you have provided is accurate and authentic. Otherwise, the customer shall be held responsible for the mistake. The company has the right to cancel any order design that they feel is copied or property of a third party.

Make sure that the designs you request are not causing copyright infringements. You need to have legal permission to request such designs. The company has a right to decline an order without having to give a reason or justification. The company has a strict policy and do not print any design that we feel might be offensive, vulgar, indecent, or abusive. Furthermore, we do not print any design that we feel is the property of a third party. We need to have proof of permission that you are authorized to get the data printed that is property of someone else.

Liability for Mistakes and Errors

In case of any mistakes or errors in the printing, the customer shall be held responsible. Pearl Custom Boxes is not responsible to correct any grammatical or spelling mistakes in the design and messages that the customers send. It is the responsibility of the customer to proofread the design and printing material before finalizing the order. Any grammatical mistake of tense, punctuation, spellings etc. shall be the concern of the customer. In addition to that, the font size and style is also to be determined by the customer. Hence, if the user makes a fault in any such area, the company shall not be answerable as we print exactly what we receive from the customer.

Sales Tax

Sales tax are applicable other than the price of the product on purchases. The sales tax shall depend on the country and state from where the customer is making the order. In case you or your business are exempted from tax payments, the company needs to see a copy of your tax exemption certificate.

Printing Techniques

The company only provides the printing of the product in techniques and technology mentioned on the website. We do not cater to any requests for printing that we do not offer in the first place.

Manufacturing Material

The product can only be custom made with the material options that the company offers. Other than the mentioned material. Customer cannot demand or request for using any other manufacturing material for making the product. We also provide packaging for food and beverages and understand very well the standards and implications it holds. We certify to you that our food and beverage packaging boxes are in compliance with FDA standards and procedures. We make sure that in serving our customers, we do not compromise on the legalities of the situation. With our custom food and beverage boxes, we guarantee you your safety and hygiene.

Claims and Refunds

We provide a return policy to our customers in case of any issues that you might face with the order. If the product delivered to you is damaged or does not meet your given specifications, you can register the issue within 3 days of receiving the order. Our team shall investigate the claim. If we are found at fault, then you get a free re-print order. The order received by the customers should be shipped back within 7 days of receiving it. However, if the fault is at the customer side, that you did not provide correct specifications or opened the package carelessly and damaged it in the process, we take no responsibility. We offer no refund or cashback policy for any damage or wrong order claim.

The company normally delivers exactly the amount of product that was ordered by the customer. However, there may be cases where the customer receives an extra few items in the package. In this case, that extra product is totally free and we do not claim a return for it. On the contrary, if the package is less than the ordered amount that the customer paid for, we give a refund for the missing number of the product.

Delivery Turnaround

The normal time for delivery is 7-8 business days which is absolutely free all over the country. For urgent orders, charges apply depending on the area of delivery. This will take 4-5 business days. This turnaround time starts after the customer gives final approval for the product. The payment needs to be made beforehand when finalizing the order. If the payment is not made, we do not start the manufacturing and hence, the turnaround time will be delayed.

Contacting Pearl Custom Boxes

You can contact us at any time at our given phone numbers or email. Our customer care support is available to cater to your inquiries and requests. You can contact us at our specified working hours on the details mentioned on our website.

Partnership for Business

You can sign up on our website for business opportunities as well. We have a reseller program where you could get membership and avail discount on bulk purchases. This way, you become a vendor for our company and could resell the product on profit to others. We offer a 40% discount on standard quotes for product shipping and selling. However, if you fail to make sales, the company will not be responsible for that. The customer shall claim no refund or product return once the order is finalized and delivered. We are very clear about our policy. Once you purchase the product, it is yours to sell or use and the company does not take back the product if you fail to sell it in time.

It is to notify that changes to the website can be made at any time deemed fit by the company. These changes include product descriptions, prices, terms and conditions, company services, and policies. The company cannot be held responsible and does not need to notify when making any such changes. It is the duty of the user to stay updated and check the website on and off for complete instruction and details.